Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter 2020 had a better than expected showing given the one day notice.  17 entries this year.  Special thanks to Andrew Monk who inspired a 2020 reincarnation and Mary Monk who forced the Commissioner leave retirement and step back into the arena.

All comments on the winners should be made on this post.

This year's entries, in order of appearance are...

You must understand the medium to understand the art...  Jake Monk
A Very Covid Easter     Alesa Monk
TP Crisis 2020             Danny Monk and Alesa Monk
Elizabeth, Jayden, Lilly, Jala, DJ Sookie, Paula, Barb     Moxie Monk
Bonsegg                     Andrew Monk
Zombie Eggs - Zeggs   Alden Monk
Bunny King                Grandma Pat Kopanda
Eggiens Invasion        Alden Monk
Egg Meme                 Jody Monk
3 ways Carol Eggbasket May have killed her husband  Mary Monk
M' M' M' My Corona    Tammy Loew
Deborah Eggbirx discusses flattening the curve         Mary Monk
Tiger King                Tammy Loew
Camp Out                Robin Demaree
Joe Eggburrow #1 Draft Pick                                    Mary Monk
Moon Dance            Tammy Loew
Egg Hunt                 Karl Monk

And the Winner is, by a significant land slide...

3 ways Carol Eggbasket May have killed her husband by Mary Monk.  

Eighteen (18) comments celebrated Mary's entry.  Aunt Tammy's suggestion that the authorities be lent these clues is a solid suggestion.  Nephew, Andrew, has enlisted Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, to represent his Aunt.  Approval from the South given by a multiple time winner succinctly states:  "Brutal."  Yes, the esteemed Katie of the clan Bowlby, showed great restraint by not entering this year.  Multiple comments complimented hair and dress design.  Showing the entry's appeal across generations, Henry cared enough to rank this a solid 4th place while Alden summed up the youth interest in one word, "Gators."  Showing a huge and over the top appreciation was Moxie Monk with her glowing appraisel:  "is a little tiny bit cool."  

And the Children's Division Winner is...

Eggiens Invasion by Alden Monk  

While this entry shouted a technical and futuristic theme, with a great use of props, the angst and fear in the faces of the dramatis personae completely captured the older viewer and propelled this entry to first place.  Calvin's vote of #1 shows peer group appreciation of "aliens and ships."

Second Place goes to...

A Very Covid Easter by Alesa Monk  

A fan favorite as an entry.  A threat in future years as Alesa threatens to ascend to the top spot.  A mystery entry of props soliciting all to common thoughts of "are those fake or real?"  We may never know unless the author tells all.  Very mixed voting as Alden ranked this 10 out of 10 while his father discounted the entry to last place in hopes his entry would win.  Alesa, welcome to the family.  No quarter given here.  One must pay particular attention, once again, to the Grand Champion of the South.  When Katie likes it, you know it's good.  Who would have imagined a Covid virus would be a star component to a winning entry?  Well executed.  Calvin recognized the well executed masks so good job setting an example to the youth.  

Third Place goes to...

Egg meme by Jody Monk  

Almost unanimously voted Third, just because of the strength of the #1, Jody's entry captured the anxiety and fear of the generations.  Using a classic meme (Danny) to represent the fear and disdain for single ply (Aunt Tammy, possible speaking on behalf of Uncle Bob) while lamenting how far our societal standards have fallen (Lauren) to the deep musing about comedic insight of the grave importance of toilet paper (Mary) we see that Jody has truly captured our innermost feelings.  Congratulations on a viral success.

And the individual awards for, go to...

For Humanity, Friendship and Unity, the award goes to Moxie Monk's entry:  Elizabeth, Jayden, Lilly, Jala, DJ Sookie, Paula, Barb  

Even spacing while valuing congregation shows the most human of needs, friendship and association.  Good job to Moxie Monk.

Best use of the word EGG in a title, the award goes to Andrew Monk:  Bonsegg

Simple, fully descriptive, and clever; Bonsegg sets an inspirational standard for future contestants.  We shall see if 2021 steps up to this challenge.  Congratulations (you may now leave the stage)

the Almost Disqualified Award goes to Jake Monk for his entry:  You must understand the medium to understand the art.

While the Commissioner would have bounced this entry, the sophistication of the viewing audience persuaded a second chance be given.  Not since Robert Mapplethorpe in 1989 has an entry solicited such deep contemplation of 'what really is art?'  

For Best Made Prop, not Purchased, the award goes to TP Crisis 2020.  Danny Monk, creator.

While the overall work of art is a collaborative effort, it is my understanding this prop was carefully crafted by a connoisseur of the fabric, Daniel T. Monk.  Few have spent as much time researching, evaluating, testing, and perfecting the design and use of 2020's most valuable product.  (disclaimer:  Charmin is a P&G product, the Commissioner owns stock in P&G and has been financially enriched by such association during this Covid event.)

For Best Utilitarian Prop goes to Camp Out by Robin Demaree (I suspect Doug)

A twist-tie for arms and a Q-Tip for a stick with marshmallow is easily missed as one admires the happiness of the subject and the joy of isolation when it's not forced upon us.

For Dissonance, the award goes to Joe Eggburrow by Mary Monk  

Hope and Disbelief as few believe a #1 Draft Pick will cause the Bengal's to succeed.  While Luke believes, ahh the power of youth, the people who have dis-proportionally benefited from the Bengals sucking (Aunt Tammy, likely Bear's fan) wish us no wind to our back.  I suspect Joe will appear again in the 2021 Monk zone Easter Egg Super Bowl.

For Technical and Human Complications in a Submission, the award goes to Patricia Kopanda.  aka: Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma for Bunny King  

All children and sons-in-law know the challenge of keeping Grandma's computer working.  Achievement and success is evident as this entry was digitally provided to this year's contest.  Good job to Pat Kopanda!!  You did it.

the Commissioner's Award, a new award, not previously issued, is give to Moon Dance by Tammy Loew.  

I thought this was a loaf of bread.  Aunt Tammy's lack of offense as I clarified this to be an actual entry showed great restraint.  A lesser person would have been greatly insulted by my lack to understanding and vision.  The next award also goes to Moon Dance.  It is sure to offend.

For Best Comment, the award goes to Alden Monk on the entry:  Moon Dance.

The comment, "Its just dirt on an egg."  [In your mind envision a microphone dropping]

So this brings to a close the 2020 Monk zone Easter Egg celebration.  Thanks to all that enjoyed and contributed to the event.  As we enter our third decade of social distancing I look forward to us joining in 2021 for the biggest and best Easter Egg competition ever.  Start planning now!!!!

Peace to all and may good health and prosperity be forever yours.

The Commissioner

Saturday, April 11, 2020

All Eggs are posted, let the voting begin

Easter Egg 2020

Remember, if you click on the picture it will expand for bigger better detailed viewing.
Best viewed from your computer on larger screens.

After 7 consecutive years (2006-2012) of competition spanning two decades, and a 7 year layoff, we are back with...

The 8th Annual Installment of the Monk zone Easter Egg Competition.

Year 8, yes, Year 8 is this year's number. We are in our third decade of artistic competition!!

Thanks to all who submitted eggs as it will make my victory sweeter.

Voting closes at 5pm, Cincinnati time, on Easter Sunday (unless gratuitous begging extends the deadline.)

All the eggs are posted. Let me know if I missed any, I will fix immediately.

Another balanced showing this year, which is quite exceptional given the one (1) day notice of this year's contest.

Voting Rules:
Rule 1, there are no rules. Vote as you like. Your comments matter and weigh heavily in the final determination.
Rule 2, note... there is a Children's Division. Vote accordingly. Any entry not labeled Children's Division is fair game, no need to be kind.

We will have several categories of winner, so vote frequently and often. Ranking of entries against each other is welcome. Pick a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place if you like. I use those as tie breakers.

Post general comments on this post, specific comments on the individual egg submission. Your comments are the key to success, use that voice!

If you refer to prior year's summaries, you can see it will take me some time to tabulate the winner, correlate comments and try to have some fun.

Thanks to all who submitted this year and to those that didn't, next year is right around the corner. Happy Easter to all and God bless! We will be having a 2021 Contest so start your planning now!! We will open 2021 to all families and friends.

You must understand the medium to understand the art...

You must understand the medium to understand the art...

A Very Covid Easter

A Very Covid Easter

TP Crisis 2020

TP Crisis 2020

Elizabeth, Jayden, Lilly, Jala, DJ Sookie, Paula, Barb

Elizabeth, Jayden, Lilly, Jala, DJ Sookie, Paula, Barb
[children's division entry]



Zombie Eggs - Zeggs

Zombie Egg - Zeggs
[children's division entry]

Bunny King

Bunny King

Eggiens Invasion

Eggiens Invasion
[children's division entry]

Egg Meme

Egg Meme

3 ways Carol Eggbasket May have killed her husband


Septic Tank

3 ways Carol Eggbasket May have killed her husband

M' M' M' My Corona

M' M' M' My Corona

Deborah Eggbirx discusses flattening the curve

Deborah Eggbirx discusses flattening the curve

Tiger King

Tiger King

Camp Out

Camp Out

Joe Eggburrow

Joe Eggburrow #1 Draft Pick

Moon Dance

Moon Dance

Egg Hunt

 Egg Hunt

A test of uploading a picture for Easter 2020.

Friday, April 10, 2020

posting after a log layoff.
Karl  10April2020

Monday, September 03, 2012

Jake and Lacee Wedding

Finally, received the digital copies of the wedding photos!!!!!  Jake Monk and Lacee Monk, Miami, FL.  Boom!!!

Sunday, April 08, 2012

And the Winner is: Egg-ry Birds by the Miami Monks!!!!!

And the Winner is: Egg-ry Birds by the Miami Monks.

Congratulations to Jake Monk and Lacee Monk. Hard to believe that Katie Bowlby has been dethroned, but the Miami Monks have won the 2012 Easter Egg competition by a landslide garnering twelve (12) first place votes and one second place vote.

Eggr-ry Birds also pulled in the Award for Most Comments and received the best comment.

The winner emeritus earning the Best Comment Award, Katie Bowlby, offered, “I admit, I'm impressed. But the words I uttered when I saw this weren't very Easterly, so I can't vote for it.”

Ready to Hatch!! came in a strong second place.

Congratulations to Andrew and Jody. This entry reminds us all of the pig and the chicken story. Co-created in every way, Ready to Hatch!! shared origination rights, creative cooperation and earned the Award for Best Use of Natural Materials in creation of an original entry. (Note to Robin from Karl, my belly is already that big; give up now.) There truly was a commitment to this entry.

Lady Egga rounds out this year’s placers in third place.

Mary Monk slams a solid third place showing, winning awards in the categories of Best Use of Alternate Protein and Best Use of the same Old Background Two Years Running, Mary Monk captured the artistic spirit of this year’s entries.

Honorable mention goes to Big Handsome

The House of Bowlby earns Honorable Mention and receives the Award: Best Homer Entry of 2012.

Honorable mention goes to The Loregg

Obviously, a Jody Monk entry, she pulls in the Thorgren vote (no easy task). Congratulations for an appreciated and mustached entry.

Also winning awards…

a new egg in town by Katie Bowlby. Most Beautiful Award

Occu-p-egg Mayberry RFD by Tammy Loew, Best Political Entry

United Colors of Eggiton? by Steve Dorn. Yes folks, my college buddy, member of my wedding party and dearest of old friends placed this entry into the mix. Thank you!

Uncle Bob wins the Award for being the Most Coerced Voter, obviously forced to vote for Ready to Hatch!! and less obviously being forced to vote for his wife’s entry.

Receiving no awards, but since everyone wins, Danny Monk and Karl Monk receive participation ribbons.

God bless us all

Egg Creator
Zeggy Stardust Danny Monk
Greegter's Eggcream Karl Monk
Egg-ry Birds The Miami Monks
Occu-p-egg Mayberry RFD Aunt Tammy Loew
Lady Egga Mary Monk
Angry Birds (In Space) Katie B
Ready to Hatch!! Andrew Monk with a strong contribution by Jody Monk
Big Handsome Bowlby House
a new egg in town Luke Bowlby
The Loregg Jody Monk
United Colors of Eggiton? Steve Dorn
Green Guess? Who Am I Karl Monk

Easter 2012, Voting period is closed

I'm in the process of tallying votes and analyzing comments.

All Eggs are posted, let the 2012 Voting Begin!!

Year 7... Thanks to all who submitted eggs!
Voting closes at 7pm, Cincinnati time, on Easter Sunday (unless gratuitous begging extends the deadline.) All the eggs are posted. Let me know if I missed any, I'll remediate immediately.

This year saw a strong political flavor and multiple Angry Bird entries.

Voting Rules:Rule 1, (same as always) there are no rules. Vote as you like. Your comments matter and weigh heavily in the final determination.
Rule 2, see rule Number 1

Ranking of entries against each other is welcome.Post general comments on this post, specific comments on the individual egg submission.If you refer to last year's summary, you can see it will take me some time to tabulate the winner, correlate comments and try to have some fun. Thanks to all who submitted this year and to those that didn't, next year is right around the corner. Happy Easter to all and God bless!

Zeggy Stardust

Greegter's Eggscream

Egg-ry Birds (1 of 2)

The two Egg-ry Bird posts are one entry.

Egg-ry Birds (2 of 2)

End of first Angry Birds entry.

Occu-p-egg Mayberry RFD

Lady Egga

Angry Birds (In Space)

This is a separate Angry Birds entry from the two above.

Ready to Hatch!!

Big Handsome

If you believe in the future of Indiana basketball, then vote for Cody!

a new egg in town

remember, you can click on the picture to see a larger image

Grandma, this is for you! Just a reminder.

The Loregg

United Colors of Eggiton?

Green Guess? Who Am I

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Easter 2012, entries are rolling in

Give me a title and say a few words about your entry.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter 2012. New year, New rules. I don't know what they will be, but there will be new twists. The rules are driven by the creativity of the entries and the unique nature of each year's entries.

Special attention, this year, will be given to hiding the identity of entries. Last year the North-Lander contingent expressed concern that my identification of friends might have biased the votes. I will avoid this potential when posting eggs this year. The major contributing factor in this decision is I have friends entering this year (which are better than your friends) and they will probably win. The Mid-Lander contingent will be gathering on Saturday to prepare entries. The South-Lander contingent, a hard to beat group if prior year success is an indication of current year success, is probably done already.

Entry Dealine: Saturday, 5pm, Cincinnati time. Send your entries to my gmail account.

Voting Begins: Saturday night, as soon as I complete posting. Expect posting will require 1-3 hours.

Voting Closes: Sunday night, 5pm, I will tally and post results Sunday evening.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Julia C has nothing on this chef.
(notice the empty Cosmo glass)

Thanksgiving 2011

Boomer waiting for Zoom